Veneer Restoration Case – Dr. Bernal Soto
Using a minimally invasive dentistry approach to this treatment case was key. Once the Digital Smile Design (DSD) was approved and the mock up completed, Pure Porcelain Veneers were hand crafted and the restoration was completed. This type of restoration treatment can be done within 2 weeks.
Experience the DaVinci’s Difference!
If you are wanting to enhance your smile but not sure where to start contact Dr. Bernal Soto at
The art of Cosmetic Dental Restorations by Dr. Delfin Barquero
Experience the DaVinci’s Difference!
For more information on how Dr. Del can help you regain your smile contact our International Patient Coordinator at
We recently had the honor to be the clinic of choice in Costa Rica for a family group from Canada wanting to complete full mouth Crown & Veneer Restorations.
15 Days in Costa Rica, 5 Awesome Patients, 2 Amazing Dentist’s, 1 Dedicated Dental Team, 5 New Smile Transformations, & 2 Stunning Vacation Destinations = 1 Epic Family Dental Vacation!
Experience the DaVinci’s Difference!
Treatments performed by Dr. Delfin Barquero & Dr. Bernal Soto and Team.
For more details on how we can take care of all the details for your group or family dental vacation contact our International Patient Coordinator at
Change your Smile.. Change your Life… Want to improve your smile, and your whole outlook on life!
Today’s trends are organic and healthy lifestyle options that improve your overall health, well being and longevity. One of the best ways to dramatically improve your health, self confidence & over all well being is to restore your smile. When you pair taking care of your oral health issues along with a cosmetic restoration of your smile it is an instant whole body, mind & facial transformation that truly brings out the best you!.
Introducing Digital Scanning at its best! The 3M Digital scanner for Ultra fast, ultra precise imaging and spot on color matching for the restoration results you can trust.
Experience what Dr.Del can do for your life…Experience the DaVinci’s Difference! Contact our International patient coordinator for more details at
” Thanks for doing such a great job of handling all the dental details, you are very good at what you do. Be sure to tell the doctor thanks again, could not have been a better experience for me” – Tim, USA
It was a quick flight for Tim from the USA recently. Fly in for upper and lower crown restorations, & save 50% on your cosmetic dental restoration while you are at it!!
Treatment performed by Dr. Bernal Soto….Experience the DaVinci’s Difference!
For more information on how Dr. Soto can help you change your smile contact our International Patient Coordinator at
The Wow Cosmetic Restoration Transformation of the month!
Cosmetic Restoration treatment performed by Dr. Delfin Barquero
For more information on how Dr. Del can change your smile contact our International Patient Coordinator at
Experience the DaVinci’s Difference!
Ron wins the award for the tallest patient in our 3D imaging room.
It was great to have him back with us again recently for his 2nd and last phase of treatment. This year he brought the whole family in for Dental Work, grand kids included!
Making memories at the Dentist is different in Costa Rica! Thanks again for choosing Dr. Bernal Soto and the DaVinci’s Dental Care Team
April’s Awesome Full Mouth Restoration Couple! Michelle and Eric from Florida, USA.
“I’ve had so many people complimenting on my smile. I have referred many to DaVinci’s and told them how hospitable the staff are. . You and the staff have left such an impression on our hearts and mind!” Michelle & Eric.
Experience the DaVinci’s Difference!
Cosmetic Restorations for Michelle and Eric performed by Dr. Bernal Soto
For more information on how Dr. Bernal can change your smile contact our International Patient coordinator at