Posts in All on 6 Dental Implants
3 easy steps to High Quality Affordable Implants with Dr. Del in Costa Rica    Single Implant, Multiple Implants, All on 4, All on 6, All on 8 

What to expect when you are expecting Implants … 3 easy steps to High Quality Affordable Implants with Dr. Del in Costa Rica    Single Implant, Multiple Implants, All on 4, All on 6, All on 8 


Steps to complete an Implant procedure

High quality 3D imaging, 3D Impressions, 3D Digital Smile Design

The surgical phase in which the implant is placed

The restoration phase completed 4-6 months later in which the implants are attached to the final cosmetic option.  

 3D technology is used to plan the entire treatment case, starting with 3D X rays, 3D dental impressions and a Digital Smile Design Analysis are completed. This technology is then combined to create a real Mockup of the final smile restoration for the patient. It is an important factor for our patients to have a clear vision of the final cosmetic smile outcome prior to starting treatment.   

 Treatment Care during the Implant Surgical Phase Our Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and Implant team are well equipped with the most modern technology. to ensure there should be no pain during the surgical phase.

 Phase 2 Cosmetic Restoration Phase This phase sees the plan created in phase 1 come to life and will require a few separate appointments.

The first appointment is to open, or reveal the implant

The second appointment the final 3D cosmetic impression is taken, this is used to create the final restoration with our ceramist.

The third appointment the restorations are checked for fit, shape, color.

The fourth appointment is the final cementation of the restoration(s).

Closing with a final control, bite adjustment the day following the final cementation. 

Costa Rica Restoration Vacation Dr. Soto DaVinci’s Dental Care

The Costa Rica Restoration Vacation experience with Dr. Soto and the DaVinci’s Dental Care Team 

5 top reasons to take a Dental Restoration Vacation.   

1.       Well, Because You Deserve it…Right!

2.       Time spent in rejuvenation, restoration and exploration of nature has proven to lead to a brighter smile and a new appreciation of living.

3.        A healthy new smile is a gift that just keeps on giving. Patients can experience frequent fits of laughter and smiling, ease of tensions and stress, better sleep, healthier lifestyles and habits, and an increase overall state of wellbeing.  

4.       Savings of over 50% when compared to North American and European nations. That adds up to a LOT of savings.

5.       High Quality Care and Technology. North American Patients tell us our technology, imaging and expertise far exceeds what they can get locally.   


What if you could combine an amazing vacation experience and a new lease on life with great oral health restorations and care.   

Costa Rica is known globally as one of the most beautiful countries in the world to explore. Rich in Biodiversity, culture, flora and fauna, glorious beaches, and sunsets, these are just the tip of what Costa Rica has to offer.  

At DaVinci’s Dental Care we take your Restoration Vacation to the next level. We want your dental restoration to be an amazing life event experience that you will be smiling about for a long, long time to come.  

DaVinci’s Dental Care is a 5 Star Boutique Style Clinic where you are treated as the #1 VIP, you will experience the highest in 3D Dental Smile Design Imaging and technology and get the best in cosmetic restoration results all at great value.  

What people had to say about their restoration vacation with Dr. Soto and the DaVinci’s Dental Care Team

 “We have received the warmest and most professional care from DaVinci’s Dental. Dr. Soto is absolutely amazing!  This man understands you are from out of the country and he dedicates himself to your needs and works tirelessly to get everything done that you need.  Dr. Soto did an amazing restoration on my wife and he is now working on me.  DaVinci’s Dental uses state of the art equipment and the whole staff are professional and compassionate.   We were able to get complete restoration done for less than half of what it cost in the states.  I 100% recommend DaVinci’s Dental.”

 Want to experience your most amazing vacation …. Experience the DaVinci’s Difference! 

 For more information about your dental restoration vacation contact

Phone/ Text 011 506 7131 0458   WhatsApp 011 506 8884 4815


High Quality Affordable Implants with Dr. Del in Costa Rica

High Quality Affordable Implants with Dr. Del in Costa Rica    

Single Implant, Multiple Implants, All on 4, All on 6, All on 8 

Steps to complete an Implant procedure If you need an implant that means you have at least 1, or more, missing teeth and you are looking for the best way to restore your smile.   Our Implants are completed two stages, these are usually 4 to 6 months apart. Stage 1 or surgical phase in which the implant is placed. Stage 2 or the restoration phase in which the implants are attached to the final cosmetic option.

 Important factors with implant placement are patient health, adequate jawbone levels and creating a natural looking cosmetic restoration.

The importance of 3D imaging is to determine if there is enough bone for the implants, our Xmind Trium 3D tomography equipment gives our patients the most accurate information, and the high accuracy of this technology gives our dental team the most advanced information on patient care, bone height and width, where nerves and sinus are located and allows us to create a 3D surgical guide for exact implant placement.

3D technology is used to plan the entire treatment case, starting with 3D X rays, 3D dental impressions and a 3D Digital Smile Design Analysis are completed. This technology is then combined to create a real Mockup of the final smile restoration for the patient. It is an important factor for our patients to have a clear vision of the final cosmetic smile outcome prior to starting treatment.   

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Top 5 reasons to take a Dental Restoration Vacation with Dr. Del in Costa Rica

The Costa Rica Dental Restoration Vacation experience with Dr. Del  

5 top reasons to take a Dental Restoration Vacation.   

1.       Well, Because You Deserve it…Right!

2.       Time spent in rejuvenation, restoration and exploration of nature has proven to lead to a brighter smile and a new appreciation of living.

3.        A healthy new smile is a gift that just keeps on giving. Patients can experience frequent fits of laughter and smiling, ease of tensions and stress, better sleep, healthier lifestyles and habits, and an increased overall state of wellbeing.  

4.       Savings of over 50% when compared to North American and European nations. That adds up to a LOT of savings.

5.       High Quality Care and Technology. North American Patients tell us our technology, imaging and expertise far exceeds what they can get locally.   

 You can easily combine an amazing vacation experience and a new lease on life with great oral health restorations and care at a fraction of the cost you would pay at home.   

Costa Rica is known globally as one of the most beautiful countries in the world to explore. Rich in Biodiversity, culture, flora and fauna, glorious beaches, and sunsets, these are just the tip of what Costa Rica has to offer.  

At DaVinci’s Dental Care we take your Restoration Vacation to the next level. We want your dental restoration to be an amazing life event experience that you will be smiling about for a long, long time to come.  DaVinci’s Dental Care is a 5 Star Boutique Style Clinic where you are treated as the #1 VIP, you will experience the highest in 3D Dental Smile Design Imaging and technology and get the best in cosmetic restoration results all at great value.  

What people had to say about their restoration vacation with Dr. Del. “ Thank you so much for your assistance in making the trip worthwhile for me.  I appreciated your kindness, you really helped to put me at ease.  I quickly learned to appreciate the country and the people.  I look forward to returning to San Jose.  I want to encourage others in my Florida area to seek your care. Please thank Dr. Delfin and the entire staff for their kindness and hospitality.  It meant the world to me!  Best regards.

Want to experience your most amazing vacation …. Experience the DaVinci’s Difference!   

For more information about your Costa Rica Dental Restoration Vacation of a lifetime contact

Phone/ Text 011 506 7131 0458   WhatsApp 011 506 8884 4815

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High Quality Affordable Implants with Dr. Bernal Soto in Costa Rica  

High Quality Affordable Implants with Dr. Bernal Soto in Costa Rica    

Single Implant, Multiple Implants, All on 4, All on 6, All on 8   

Steps to complete an Implant procedure If you need an implant that means you have at least 1, or more, missing teeth and you are looking for the best way to restore your smile.   Our Implants are completed two stages, these are usually 4 to 6 months apart. Stage 1 or surgical phase in which the implant is placed Stage 2 or the restoration phase in which the implants are attached to the final cosmetic option.

 Important factors with implant placement are patient health, adequate jawbone levels and creating a natural looking cosmetic restoration.

The importance of 3D imaging is to determine if there is enough bone for the implants, our Xmind Trium 3D tomography equipment gives our patients the most accurate information, and the high accuracy of this technology gives our dental team the most advanced information on patient care, bone height and width, where nerves and sinus are located and allows us to create a 3D surgical guide for exact implant placement.

3D technology is used to plan the entire treatment case, starting with 3D X rays, 3D dental impressions and a 3D Digital Smile Design Analysis are completed. This technology is then combined to create a real Mockup of the final smile restoration for the patient. It is an important factor for our patients to have a clear vision of the final cosmetic smile outcome prior to starting treatment.   

Cosmetic Restorations in Costa Rica with Dr. Delfin Barquero

Dr. Delfin Barquero, DDS, Prosthodontist, Master in Cosmetic Restorations. Member of the American Association for Dental Aesthetics. Featured in The American Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry.

#DrDel #newsmile #costarica #DaVincisDentalCare

Digital Smile Design with DaVinci's Dental Care Costa Rica

Today, having a mouth free of biological and functional problems is not enough! Patients want beautiful smiles that are integrated with their physical characteristics, but also in harmony with its emotional aspects.

Digital Smile Design(DSD) presents a new face of dentistry, more human, emotional and artistic, further enhancing our noble profession in society,  using video and natural settings we can clearly see because after all there are not many things in this life that are more important than a healthy, natural, confident and beautiful smile!

The DSD concept aims to assist the dentist and patient alike in 3 aspects:

Improved Planning and Design of an Aesthetic Smile.

Improved communication between the dentist and the patient; thereby increasing the participation in the design process of your own smile.

Educate patients about the benefits of treatment.


For decades, dental clinicians have sought to harmonize the shapes of the teeth with the entire face based on parameters such as gender, personality, and age; however, truly successful results have been elusive. Modern dentistry has to be modernized in order to meet the aesthetic expectations of our most demanding patients.  To achieve this type of result, the modern dentist needs to go beyond just being a good professional.

With the DSD concept each patient goes through a quick study process taken by video and pictures in our onsite dental studio, we study the results of the patient talking and acting naturally with the patient and  then based on this we make a mold of their mouth from a wax up, at this time we choose the form and size of the new teeth through Visagism - The Visagism concept helps dental clinicians provide restorations that account not only for esthetics, but also for the psychosocial features of the created image, which affect patients’ emotions, sense of identity, behavior, and self-esteem. These factors, in turn, affect how observers react to patients following treatment.

Then we try the new smile proposal in the mouth, the patient can smile, talk, and evaluate if the new smile is filling their esthetic expectations or if changes need to be made. At this moment all is completely reversible, because we are not touching the real teeth. We do this with acrylic over your real and natural teeth. Digital Smile Design brings true visualization into focus for the patient allowing them to see in real time the final result of the restoration before the dental treatments commences.             

DSD looks at the patient, the personality as well as the entire structure of the face to ensure the result matches with the aesthetic look of the face as well as the personality of the patient. 

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All on 6 Restoration with Dr. Bernal Soto and DaVinci's Dental Care
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Dr. Del

The satisfaction of recovering teeth is a consequence of trusting a medical team specialized in dental implants. From replacing a single tooth to replacing all of them, it will give you the best excuse to smile again.

Let's talk about possibilities. Schedule your appointment today. - Dr. Del at

#Dentalimplants #DrDel #Davincisdentalcare #youcandoit

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