What to expect on your Dental Restoration Vacation in Costa Rica


What to expect on your Dental Restoration Vacation in Costa Rica

Many people often ask us how does it work with scheduling and what will I do there. It is very easy to have a great vacation and complete your dental restoration goals on the same trip.

When you come for a new smile restoration you will be in the clinic the first 2 or 3 days. During this time, we complete the Digital Smile Design Analysis, take impressions and complete any oral health issues like fillings, cleanings etc.
Once the final impressions or restoration work is approved it is given to our ceramist/lab. This takes approximately 5 business days to complete the crown or veneer restoration. Once the ceramist has completed the restoration you are back in the clinic for 1 or 2 days for the final restoration placement and final control, bite adjustment appointment the following day.

During the 5 days your restoration is being completed in the lab is the perfect opportunity to travel and explore all the wonders Costa Rica has to offer. Whether you are wanting to spend time on a sun drenched beach or in the cool mountains and rain cloud forests everything is within a mornings drive. There is so much diversity to explore in such a small country you will have a hard time fitting it all into 5 days.

A great way to plan your trip for success is to arrive early on a Monday morning we greet you at the airport and escort you to the clinic to begin the restoration process. Typically, if you are coming for crown or veneer restorations a general plan would be to fly in on a Monday and Fly home the following Wednesday late day, or better yet the following Thursday.

So grab that Calendar and mark your date… Make 2018 the year you complete your Dental Restoration Dream Vacation all in one fabulous trip!

Experience the DaVinci’s Difference!

For more information on how we can help you create your Dental Restoration Vacation Itinerary contact our International Patient Coordinator at clinic@davincisdentalcare.com

Keven PeoplesMay