Costa Rica Airport and U.S. Embassy Update

We are awaiting a new update on whether the airport closure will be extended further and, or whether incoming tourist will need to quarantine for 14 days once they arrive, thanks for your patience... in the meantime here's an update from the U.S Embassy as of June 15, 2020:

Entry and Exit Requirements:

Until June 30, only Costa Rican citizens, Costa Rican residents who departed Costa Rica PRIOR to March 24, those whose residency is in process who departed Costa Rica PRIOR to March 24, minor children of Costa Rican citizens, and foreign diplomats will be able to enter Costa Rica. This restriction applies to land, sea, and air arrivals. Air crews will not be subject to this restriction, and a separate protocol has been negotiated for commercial truck drivers at land borders.

Currently, only the airport in San Jose is receiving international flights, and has protocols in place to deal with suspected COVID cases.

Taken from the U.S. Embassy website

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